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coboy junior bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "coboy junior"
  • From there he met with Coboy Junior producer, Patrick Effendy.
    Dari sanalah ia bertemu dengan produser Coboy Junior.
  • Aldi, should be able to split the focus between her friendship with Junior Coboy Lovely and compactness.
    Aldi, harus bisa membelah fokus antara persahabatannya dengan Lovely dan kekompakan Coboy Junior.
  • Their toughest rivals, Superboyz and The Bangs continue Coboy Junior wanted to drop by all means.
    Rival-rival terberat mereka, Superboyz dan The Bangs terus ingin menjatuhkan Coboy Junior dengan segala cara.
  • In June 2013, Iqbaal and Coboy Junior released their debut film entitled Coboy Junior The Movie.
    Juni 2013, ia bersama Coboy Junior merilis film perdana mereka berjudul Coboy Junior The Movie.
  • In June 2013, Iqbaal and Coboy Junior released their debut film entitled Coboy Junior The Movie.
    Juni 2013, ia bersama Coboy Junior merilis film perdana mereka berjudul Coboy Junior The Movie.
  • Iqbaal later became a member of boy band Coboy Junior which was officially formed on July 23, 2011.
    Iqbaal kemudian menjadi anggota grup vocal Coboy Junior yang resmi dibentuk pada 23 Juli 2011.
  • In his career with Kiki, Aldi, and Bastian in Coboy Junior, he starred in the drama series Only You.
    Dalam kariernya bersama Kiki, Aldi, dan Bastian dalam Coboy Junior, ia sempat membintangi drama seri Hanya Kamu.
  • The story of the struggle Coboy Junior (Bastian, Iqbal, Aldi, Kiki) teenage singing group, singing and dance competition in Indonesia.
    Kisah perjuangan Coboy Junior (Bastian, Iqbaal, Aldi, Kiki) grup nyanyi remaja, mengikuti kompetisi nyanyi dan tari terbesar di Indonesia.
  • Along with the formation of Coboy Junior, he got a role in the movie 5 Elang as Rusdi Badruddin in 2011, and had a single titled "Thank You".
    Seiring waktu pembentukan Coboy Junior, ia mendapati peran layar lebar film 5Elang sebagai Rusdi Badruddin pada tahun 2011 dan sempat memiliki single berjudul Terima Kasih.